This is part one of our: More Than Just A "Soccer Trainer" series will detail the origin story of FuturElitez from the founder of the business.

Over the next four weeks, we will have blogs coming featuring an exclusive Q&A with Coach Parsa
When people see a business they generally see what the business looks like at that moment which is only normal.
To truly understand a business's goal and ideology the secret is to look at the origin of the business and how it came about.
Here at FuturElitez Soccer, we see ourselves as much more than just a soccer training business, and that mentality comes down from our founder, Coach Parsa.
In this Q&A we discuss moments that show how FuturElitez came about, and include exclusive details that helped the business grow to what can be seen now.
Now Let's Get To The Questions
Q- Why Did You Choose The Name "FuturElitez Soccer"
A- I am a big fan of business, and there is a youtube channel named "The Futur" and its uniqueness caught my eyes. The whole purpose of FuturElitez is to develop the next generation (aka the future talents). Therefore, it all made sense to name FuturElitez

Q- Once you got the idea how did you go about making the idea a reality?
A- The first thing I did, told my best friend who is going to write this blog on our website, Walter Reyes. I told him the idea literally the night I came up with the name and the logo. He was supportive of it, and from that point, it was time to really move forward with it.
We decided to start shooting a bunch of videos for two purposes.

Q- What were some initial challenges in creating the business?
A- People might actually think Covid was making it difficult for the business to grow, but I really believe it actually helped more! FuturElitez Soccer was born on March 25th, 2020 (literally when the covid shutdown started to take place) so many parents were at home with their kids bored out of their minds!
So, that actually incentivized parents more to sign up their kids. Obviously, I did not have any players for the first 5-6 months, until my first official trainee, Thomas joined, from Walter's referral, haha. Walter was just training at the soccer field one day when Thomas and his dad saw him so they asked if he was a coach. Walter told them about me and FuturElitez Soccer, and the snowball effect took place after that!
The main two challenges were:
1. No one really knew who FuturElitez Soccer was.
To this day, I don't believe enough people know and understand FuturElitez Soccer well enough, so it is a work in progress. We understand our value and potential, and over time we want everybody to understand truly.
2. Field Space (To This Day)
I remember showing up to a session 1 hour early, excited to set everything up and work on the techniques, little details, etc. Then literally 5 minutes before my session, a bunch of people showed up and say "We have a permit for the whole field, you can't be on the field" so I had to pack everything up and find a patch of grass to train my players on.
Now it has gotten better (Thank God) as more relationships are being built with coaches and the facilities. They are more lenient towards allowing us to train our players on the field.
Q- Was there any point that you doubted yourself/or the idea?
A- It's actually funny, I don't believe I have ever doubted myself or FuturElitez Soccer ever...literally, never. However, I have had people around me that had doubts about my vision... you just gotta tune out the noise and just focus on YOUR vision, no matter what!

Thank you for reading!
We hope you enjoyed this blog.
Stay tuned, over the next few weeks we will be releasing more blogs from our Q&A with Coach Parsa!
How We Can Help:
At FuturElitez Soccer, we emphasize a lot on our player's mindsets and attitudes towards not only football/soccer but life. Not only do we emphasize this with our players, but we put out information for everyone to see such as our blogs, Instagram and TikTok. With our podcasts on youtube and our blogs, we try to put out a message to help everyone live their life to the fullest! If you enjoyed this read, it would mean so much to us if you could share this with a friend/family member! Thank you in advance for always reading our blogs on a weekly basis.